Hiland Park Elementary
20-21 Parent and Family Engagement Plan
The Parent and Family Engagement Plan (PFEP) must be jointly developed with parent and must be distributed to parents in an understandable and uniform format, and in the language parents can understand. It must be made available for the community and updated periodically to meet the changing needs of the parents and the school. [Section 1116(b)].
Instructions: Describe the means by which the school will carry out the ESSA requirements below.
A. By what means will the school conduct a Title I Annual Meeting (convened at a convenient time, to which all parents are invited and encouraged to attend) to inform parents of their school’s participation in Title I, the requirements of Title I, and the right of parents to be involved [Section 1116(c)(1)]?
Title I Annual Meeting will be held in September, 30 minutes before Open House. District will provide a PowerPoint that reviews all the requirements of the law. (Open House was cancelled due to Covid and the Title I Annual Meeting was held virtually)
B. By what means will the school involve parents, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of the PFEP [Section 1116(c)(3)]?
All parents are given the opportunity to complete a paper or on-line Title I Spring Parent Survey. The results of the survey are tallied and shared with the faculty for their thoughts on ways to improve our PFEP for next year. An evaluation of the current PFEP is conducted during a virtually SAC meeting (due to COVID-19). Based on the evaluation and survey results, revisions to the plan are made for the next school year. The plan will be reviewed during virtual SAC meetings throughout the year to make revisions according to the changing needs of parents and the school.
C. By what means will the school involve parents in the joint development of the School Improvement Plan [Section 1116(c)(3)]?
During a virtual SAC meeting, results from a comprehensive needs assessment are discussed. Strategies from the current year’s SIP are reviewed. Revisions are made based on needs, barriers, and parent input. (SAC meetings are continued to be held virtually)
D. By what means will the school provide parents opportunities, if requested, for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in making decisions relating to the education of their children, and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible [Section 1116(c)(4)(C)]?
Feedback forms will be available at events (specific events may be virtual due to COVID-19), IEP meetings, Parent-teacher conferences, virtual SAC meetings, CST meetings. Suggestions made by parents, if practical and reasonable, will be implemented in a timely manner.
E. If the School Improvement Plan is not satisfactory to the parents, by what means will the school provide parents an opportunity to submit comments with the plan when it is submitted to the district [Section 1116(c)(5)]?
Parents who are not satisfied with the school improvement plan will complete a form to be submitted with the plan to the district.
In Table A, list the activities that will address topics F - J. F. Assist parents in understanding:
- State academic standards;
- State and local academic assessments;
- requirements of Title I;
- monitoring a child’s progress; and
- work with educators to improve the achievement of their children [Section 1116(e)(1)]
G. Description and explanation of:
- Curriculum in use at the school [Section 1116(4)(B)]
H. Description and explanation of:
- Academic assessments used to measure student progress [Section 1116(4)(B)]
I. Description and explanation of:
- Achievement levels of the State academic standards that students are expected to obtain [Section 1116(4)(B)]
J. Provide materials and training to:
- help parents work with their children to improve their children’s achievement, such as literacy training and using technology (including the harms of copyright piracy), to foster parental involvement [Section 1116(e)(2)] (LEA note: this includes Parent Portal training)
Table A -
Parent Training Opportunities
List all activities for requirements F through J and transition activities that involve parents.
Timeline | Title of Training/Event | Topics | Requirement(s) Addressed (F,G,H,I,J) | Time (AM or PM) | # of Parents Attended* |
Sept 10 | Title I Annual Meeting (held virtual) | Requirements of Title I | F, I, J | PM | Virtual |
Sept 10 | Open House (cancelled due to Covid) | Classroom Expectations, curriculum, assessments | G | PM | Cancelled due to COVID-19 |
Oct 12 | Parent-Teacher Conferences (being held virtual) | Led by students and teachers twice per year (Fall/Spring) | G, H,I | AM/PM/Virtual | Pending due to COVID-19 |
Nov 17 | Fall Lunch and Learn (1, 3, 5) (Pending due to Covid) | Goal setting and academic progress, Leader in Me, Student-led conferences | G, H, I, J | AM/PM | Pending due to COVID-19 |
Nov 14 | Science Night (Pending due to Covid) | Science curriculum | G, J | PM | Pending due to COVID-19 |
Dec 15 | Fall Lunch and Learn (K, 2, 4) (Pending due to Covid) | Goal setting and academic progress, Leader in Me, Student-led conferences | G, H, I, J | AM/PM | Pending due to COVID-19 |
Jan 21 | Parent Leadership Day (Pending due to Covid) | Student-led sharing behavior program (Houses), Razorback Clubs, and Student Leadership Binders/WIGs. | G, H, I, J | AM | Pending due to COVID-19 |
Feb 13 | Math Night- We Love Math (Pending due to Covid) | Curriculum and standards | F, J | PM | Pending due to COVID-19 |
Mar 12 | Spring Parent Conferences (Pending due to Covid) | Goal setting and academic progress, Leader in Me, Student-led conferences | G, H, I, J | AM/PM | Pending due to COVID-19 |
May 10 | Pre-K to K Transition (Pending due to Covid) | Kindergarten standards and expectations | F, G, H | AM | Pending due to COVID-19 |
*To be updated throughout the year. Table B - Other Events/Activities
Other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children [Section 1116(e)(4)].
Timeline | Title | Purpose | Time (AM or PM) or Method | # of Parents Attended* |
Sept 24 Nov 12 Feb 11 Apr 22 | School Advisory Council (Held virtual) | Plan/review/ improve the PFEP and develop the SIP | AM/PM | 10/08//2020Virtually 12 |
Aug-May | Monthly Leader in Me Parent Informational Newsletter (implemented and submitted in Dojo and Facebook) | Educate parents about the 7 habits and how they are being used to support academics | electronically-Dojo/Facebook | Virtually |
Sept 22 | Donuts with Dad (Cancelled due to Covid) | Stress the importance of parent involvement in academics | AM | Cancelled due to COVID-19 |
*To be updated throughout the year
K. By what means will the school educate the faculty, staff, and administrators, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school [Section 1116(e)(3)]?
Based on parents’ responses on the Spring Survey, 43 parents suggested that the faculty/staff could benefit from professional development that addresses communicating with parents. During pre-school in-service days, the Title I coordinator will review the results of the Spring Parent Survey with teachers and staff so they are aware of the best days and times for parent conferences and events, the methods of communication parents' prefer, and other input parents offered to improve parent engagement. This will be followed by training to address why communication is important and suggestions for what needs to be communicated to help engage parents in their child’s education. Then teachers will be trained on the use of the technology the school uses to communicate with parents and other means of communication for parents without access to technology.
Parent Engagement PD Topic | Date | Number of Attendees (complete after the event) |
Communicating with Parents (communication continues to be through Peachjar, Dojo, and Facebook) | September | August/September Newsletter 458 views on Dojo |
Title 1 Compact (provided by K. Smith) (provided virtually through video) | Pre-service | 30 attendees |
L. To the extent feasible, by what means will the school coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities with other Federal, State, and local programs, including public preschool programs that encourage and support parents in participating in the education of their children [Section 1116(e)(4)]?
Pre-k students and parents are invited to Open House, Science Night, SAC meetings and Title I Annual meetings.
M. By what means will the school provide other reasonable support for parental involvement activities as parents may request [Section 1116(e)(13)]? (Based on the Title I Spring Parent Survey results, what activities did the parents request that are included in this plan?)
Based on the results of our Spring Parent Surveys, parents are requesting help with understanding progress monitoring, Florida Standards to include curriculum. In order to address, Hiland Park will host Lunch and Learn for parents to learn about the school grade, how the FSA and MAP impact the school, and how they may help at home. Student-led conferences will include student leadership of Leader in Me 7 Habits which will include progress monitoring (specifically Leadership Notebooks). Additionally, parents requested reading, math and science support equally. We will be integrating helpful tips for home that support reading in each of our Title I events and science/math will be addressed at Science Night.
N. Elementary Only - How will the school ensure that teachers conduct a parent-teacher conference for individual students at least annually, during which the compact is discussed [Section 1116 (d)(2)(A)]?
Parents will be encouraged at Open House to sign-up for a parent-teacher conference to complete a compact. Title 1 will pay for subs (one in the fall/one in the spring) for each teacher to have student led conferences. Having an entire day will allow for flexibility in scheduling. For parents who don’t sign-up, teachers will make contact requesting a conference.
O. Optional – How will the school develop appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses in parent involvement activities [Section 1116(e)(13)]?
P. Optional – By what means will the school involve parents in the development of training for teachers, principals, and other educators to improve the effectiveness of the trainings [Section 1116(e)(6)]?
Q. Optional – By what means will the school provide literacy training for parents if the LEA has exhausted all other sources of funding [Section 1116(e)(7)]?
R. Optional – By what means will the school pay reasonable and necessary expenses, including transportation and child care costs, to enable parents to participate in school-related meetings and training sessions [Section 1116(e)(8)]?
When trainings are scheduled during meal times, the school will provide food. When possible the school will provide child care during meetings.
S. Optional – By what means will the school train parents to enhance the involvement of other parents [Section 1116(e)(9)]?
T. Optional – By what means will the school conduct in-home conferences for parents who are unable to attend at school [Section 1116(e)(10)]?
When social worker, guidance counselor, or behavior specialist make home visits they will use that opportunity to discuss student’s academics. We will also use virtual means through Google Meet or Zoom.
U. Optional – By what means will the school adopt and implement model approaches to improve parent involvement [Section 1116(e)(11)]?
Implement Leader in Me parent training 3. ACCESSIBILITY
V. By what means will the school provide opportunities for informed participation of parents and family members (including parents and family members with limited English proficiency, with disabilities, and parents of migratory children). [Section 1116(f)]? (List the barriers identified by parents in the Title I Spring Survey and the methods by which the school will assist to overcome the barriers.)
Based on the Spring Parent Survey results, work schedule was listed as the top barrier to participation with 58 respondents. We plan to offer both morning and evening events to give every parent an opportunity to participate. Additionally, we will have 4:30-5:30 meetings in order to reach more parents as this was the most requested time slot.
W. By what means will the school ensure that information related to school and parent programs, school reports, meetings, and other activities is sent to the parents in a format and in a language the parents can understand [Section 1116(e)(5) and (f)]?
All school communications are translated for our ELL families. Google Translate and staff members assist with this. Our new ADA approved website will translate all uploaded documents. Bilingual staff members assist with conferences and phone calls. Dojo offers a translate option and is utilized for school communication on School Story.
X. By what means will the school offer a flexible number of meetings, such as meetings in the morning or evening to accommodate parents’ schedules [Section 1116(c)(2)]?
Based on the Spring Parent Surveys responses, the majority of parents indicated that right after school ends and after 5:00 are the most convenient times for meetings. This will be taken into consideration when scheduling events.
Y. By what means will the school provide parents with timely information about meetings, activities, and events [Section 1116(c)(4)(A)].
We will provide parents with a calendar of events in August. We will also have an online school Google Parent calendar available on the school website (monthly newsletter) listing all events, times, and locations for the year. We will provide a reminder to parents about upcoming events at least 2 weeks in advance through making fliers on social media (Facebook/Dojo). We will post upcoming events on Dojo, Facebook, and Twitter.
Title I Expenditures Parent and Family Engagement (Adjust to reflect the planned expenditures)
Category | List of Items |
Parent Liaison | Salary and benefits |
Parent Communications | Paper, ink/toner, stamps |
Parent Training/Events | Refreshments, materials, supplies, printed materials, stipend for teacher as consultant, ink/toner |
Parent/Teacher Conferences | Subs for Spring/Fall conferences, stipend for after school conferences. |